The Tech-Fi

Salesforce Developer Salary in India: A Comprehensive Overview

salesforce developer salary

Salesforce developers are highly sought after in India, and their salaries reflect the demand for their skills. According to data from Indeed, the average annual salary for a Salesforce developer in India stands at ₹6,42,000. It’s important to note that this is an average figure, and individual salaries can fluctuate based on various factors, including experience and location.

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Experience-Based Salesforce Developer Salary Breakdown

Here’s a detailed breakdown of the average Salesforce developer salary in India based on experience levels:

Salesforce Developer Salary Region Wise

Salesforce developer salaries in India can also vary significantly by location. Here are the top five cities offering the highest pay for Salesforce developers in the country:

  1. Bangalore: As a major IT hub, Bangalore leads the pack with an average annual salary of ₹7,20,000 for Salesforce developers.
  2. Hyderabad: Another tech-savvy city, Hyderabad, offers competitive salaries, averaging around ₹6,80,000 per year.
  3. Pune: Salesforce developers in Pune can expect to earn an average of ₹6,50,000 annually.
  4. Noida: Noida is a growing IT sector, and salaries for Salesforce developers here typically reach ₹6,40,000 per year.
  5. Chennai: In Chennai, the average annual salary for Salesforce developers hovers around ₹6,30,000.

Factors Influencing Salesforce Developer Salary

Several factors can influence a Salesforce developer’s salary in India, including:

Here are a few important certifications necessary for a Salesforce developer:

In addition to these core certifications, Salesforce also offers a number of specialty certifications, such as:

The specific certifications that are most important for a Salesforce developer will vary depending on their career goals and the types of projects they want to work on. Another way to improve Salesforce Developer Salary is by doing developer, admin and visibility related certifications as explained above. However, the core certifications listed above are a good place to start for any Salesforce developer.


In both the United States and India, Salesforce developers are experiencing a surge in demand. While the average salary for Salesforce developers in India is around ₹6,42,000 per year, this figure can significantly differ based on experience, location, certifications, industry, and company size. One thing is clear: Salesforce developers in India enjoy competitive compensation packages that reflect the value of their expertise in the rapidly evolving world of customer relationship management (CRM) and cloud computing.

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