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Record Type in Salesforce | 2024

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Salesforce is a powerful customer relationship management (CRM) platform used by businesses worldwide to streamline their sales, marketing, and customer service processes. One of the key features that make Salesforce highly customisable and adaptable to various business needs is the record types feature. Introduction to Record Type in Salesforce What are these? One can define … Read more

Salesforce Developer Salary in India: A Comprehensive Overview

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Salesforce developers are highly sought after in India, and their salaries reflect the demand for their skills. According to data from Indeed, the average annual salary for a Salesforce developer in India stands at ₹6,42,000. It’s important to note that this is an average figure, and individual salaries can fluctuate based on various factors, including … Read more

Salesforce Dashboard: Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Dashboard in salesforce | 2024

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Salesforce dashboards are powerful tools that allow you to visualize and analyze data in a meaningful way, enabling informed decision making and better insight into your business performance. Whether you’re a sales manager, marketing professional, or business analyst, building a Salesforce dashboard can help you gain instant actionable insight. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help … Read more

Salesforce Apex Class and Its Security Best Practices 2024

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In the dynamic landscape of modern business, data security is of top priority. As organisation’s increasingly rely on cloud-based solutions for their operations, ensuring the security of sensitive information has become more important than ever. Salesforce, the leader in cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) platforms, provides developers with powerful Apex class tools. In this article, … Read more

SOQL Aggregate Queries | Salesforce | A hack every developer must know 2024 ☁️

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Aggregate queries in the Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL) are used to retrieve and summarise data from records in a way that provides aggregated or calculated results. Instead of returning individual records, aggregate queries return a single value based on specified criteria, such as count, sum, average, maximum value, and minimum value. Understanding the Basics … Read more

Order of execution in salesforce | 2024

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Salesforce, a leading customer relationship management (CRM) platform, operates on a robust order of execution to process transactions seamlessly. Understanding this order is vital for developers and administrators to ensure the smooth functioning of applications. Let’s delve into the intricacies of the Salesforce order of execution. Understanding the Order of Execution in Salesforce In Salesforce, … Read more

Data Migration in Salesforce : 5 key (🗝️) considerations

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Introduction Salesforce, a leading Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform, serves as the backbone for many businesses worldwide. Efficient data management within a Salesforce org is vital for informed decision-making, personalised customer interactions, and streamlined business processes. Bulk data migration, the process of transferring large volumes of data between systems, becomes a critical task when organisation’s … Read more

🔒 Enhance Data Security with Salesforce SOQL: Utilizing “WITH SECURITY ENFORCED” and “strip.inaccessible” 🛡️

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If you’re a Salesforce Admin or Salesforce developer, this data security tip is a must for you… Understanding “WITH SECURITY ENFORCED” What is “WITH SECURITY ENFORCED”? Introduced in Salesforce API version 41.0, the “WITH SECURITY ENFORCED” clause in SOQL allows developers to enforce the current user’s field- and object-level permissions on the queried data. This … Read more